10 Steps Closer to Control Panel Safety: VeriSafe Voltage Tester Simplifies Compliance

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Control panel safety is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure working environment in any electrical setup. Balaji Controls, a trusted distributor of the VeriSafe Voltage Tester, is here to assist Indian customers in simplifying compliance with safety regulations. In this blog, we will guide you through 10 crucial steps that will bring you closer to control panel safety using the VeriSafe Voltage Tester, enabling you to create a safer workplace.


  1. Assess the environment: Evaluate the surroundings of your control panel to identify potential risks or hazards.
  2. Power down the panel: Ensure that the power to the control panel is turned off completely before performing any tests or maintenance.
  3. Verify absence of voltage: Use the VeriSafe Voltage Tester to confirm that the control panel is de-energized, ensuring there is no electrical current present.
  4. Implement lockout/tagout procedures: Secure the control panel with lockout/tagout procedures to prevent accidental energization during maintenance.
  5. Inspect for physical damage: Carefully examine the control panel for any signs of physical damage, loose connections, or exposed wires.
  6. Check for proper grounding: Ensure that the control panel is correctly grounded to mitigate electrical faults and protect against electric shocks.
  7. Examine cable connections: Thoroughly inspect the cable connections within the control panel, ensuring they are secure and properly insulated.
  8. Assess component condition: Evaluate the condition of components such as circuit breakers, fuses, and switches, replacing any faulty or damaged parts.
  9. Perform insulation resistance test: Utilize the VeriSafe Voltage Tester to conduct insulation resistance tests, ensuring the integrity of insulation materials.
  10. Document and maintain records: Keep detailed records of inspections, tests, and maintenance activities for future reference and compliance purposes.



Achieving control panel safety is a paramount concern for any electrical setup, and the VeriSafe Voltage Tester from Balaji Controls provides a reliable solution to simplify compliance and enhance safety. By following the 10 steps outlined above and utilizing the VeriSafe Voltage Tester, Indian customers can significantly reduce the risk of electrical hazards, protect their workforce, and ensure compliance with safety regulations. Trust Balaji Controls to provide you with the VeriSafe Voltage Tester, empowering you to create a safer working environment. Invest in control panel safety today and take 10 important steps closer to achieving a secure electrical environment.